Baylis–Hillman and Mukayama aldol Reactions
Dr. R. Jalababu
Definition, Mechanism and examples of Baylis–Hillman and Mukayama aldol Reactions
Ugi and click reactions
Dr. R. Jalababu
Definition, mechanism and examples of Ugi and click reactions
Norrish type - II reactions
Dr. R. Jalababu
Norrish type - II reactions of Cabonyl compounds, Esters and 1,2 - diketones.
Norrish type - I reaction
Dr. R. Jalababu
Norrish type - I reaction of acyclic and cyclic ketones
Photo decarboxylation and di pi methane reaction
Dr. R. Jalababu
Defination, mechanism and example of Photo decarboxylation and di pi methane reaction
Photo - Fries Rearrangement Reaction and Barton Reaction
Dr.R. Jalababu
Definition, Mechanism and Examples of Photo - Fries Rearrangement Reaction and Barton Reaction
Stille coupling and Mannich reactions
Defination, mechanism examples of Stille coupling and Mannich reactions.
Shapiro reaction and Umpolung reactions
Dr. R.Jalababu
Definition, Mechanism and applications of Shapiro reaction and Umpolung reactions
Robinson annulation and Stark enamine Reactions
Dr. R. Jalababu
Defination, Mechanism and examples of Robinson annulation and Stark enamine reactions
Wittig Reaction and Phase transfer catalysis
Dr. R. Jalababu
Wittig and Phase transfer catalysis reactions, mechanisms and examples
protection of carboxylic acids and diols
Dr. R. Jalababu
This video contains protection of carboxylic acids and diols in organic synthesis
Protection of Alcohols
Dr. R. Jalababu
In this video contains how to protection of alcohol functional groups in organic synthesis
Protection of Amines
Dr.R. Jalababu
This presentation related to protection of Amine functional group.
Protecting of Carbonyl compounds
Dr. R. Jalababu
Protection of Carbonyl compounds(Aldehydes
Dr. Jalababu ramani
Definition, classification, D