Slideator privacy settings will help you protect your identity and maintain a positive profile while you share your video presentations online. There are many ways you can maintain - and give up - your privacy on Slideator. By adjusting your profile settings, carefully considering the content of your videos, and controlling online interactions you can protect yourself and your privacy on Slideator.

1. Information Collection and Use
Our primary goals in collecting information are to provide and improve our Site, services, features and content, to administer Accounts (as defined below) (together, the “Service”) and to enable Visitors to enjoy and easily navigate the Site.

2. Personally Identifiable Information
When you register with us through the Site, or when you choose to add information to your profile, we will ask you for personally identifiable information. This refers to information about you that can be used to contact or identify you (“Personal Information”). Personal Information may include, but is not limited to, your name, email address, home address, phone number and certain information related to your social networks, including login credentials.

3. Log Data
When you visit the Site, whether as a registered Slideator user (a User) or a non-registered visitor just browsing (any of these, a Guest), our servers automatically record information that your browser sends whenever you visit a website (Log Data). This Log Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser type or the webpage you were visiting before you came to our Site, pages of our Site that you visit, the time spent on those pages, information you search for on our Site, access times and dates, and other statistics. We use this information to monitor and analyze use of the Site and the Service and for the Site’s technical administration, to increase our Site's functionality and user-friendliness, and to better tailor it to our visitors' needs.

4. Cookies
Like many websites, we use "cookies" to collect information. A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. We use cookies for two purposes. First, we utilize persistent cookies to save your registration ID and login password for future logins to the Site. Second, we utilize session ID cookies to enable certain features of the Site, to better understand how you interact with the Site and to monitor aggregate usage by Visitors and web traffic routing on the Site. Unlike persistent cookies, session cookies are deleted from your computer when you log off from the Site and Service and then close your browser.

5. Video Presentation Privacy
You can choose to share your Slideator videos with the world, or you can keep them private. If you want to share your videos with with people who don't have Slideator account, you can set your videos to "unlisted". Anyone with the direct web address can watch an unlisted video, but without the address the videos are impossible to find. They don't show up in search results, on your Slideator channel, or anywhere else on the site.

6. Using YouTube API Services
Slideator uses the latest version of YouTube Data API to incorporate video upload, update, and delete functions into Slideator platform and recorders to help you upload, edit, delete and share your videos hosted on YouTube. Slideator video recorders allow you to have full control over the content and data you publish to Slideator Channel on YouTube. Slideator does not append any data or content to your video unless you have explicitly consented to such changes. By using Slideator recorders to create and upload your video presentation to Slideator Channel on YouTube, you are agreeing to be bound by the YouTube Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy.

7. User Data and Personal Information
We do not share or sell your personal information to anyone. Slideator uses the information we collect to enable certain features of the platform, better understand how you interact with the video recorder, and monitor aggregate usage by visitors and Web traffic routing on the Site.

8. Google API Data Policy Compliance
Slideator's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use Requirements.

9. Google API Services Usage
Slideator integrates with Google API Services to provide enhanced functionality for our users. The way we access, use, store, and share Google user data is outlined below:
9.1. Accessing Google User Data
When you sign in using Google, we access the following data:
  • Basic profile information (name, email address, profile picture)
  • Google Drive access for file uploads and management (if applicable)
9.2. Using Google User Data
We use the accessed data to:
  • Authenticate your identity Provide a personalized user experience
  • Manage and display your Google Drive files within Slideator (if applicable)
9.3. Storing Google User Data
  • We store your basic profile information (name, email address, profile picture) securely in our database.
  • Authorization tokens are stored securely for the duration necessary to provide the intended services, such as file management.
9.4. Sharing Google User Data
  • We do not share or sell your Google user data to third parties.
  • Data is only shared with third parties as required to comply with legal obligations or to protect our rights and safety, as detailed in our privacy policy.
9.5. Limited Use of Google User Data
Slideator's use of information received from Google APIs adheres to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements. We use the data solely to provide the requested services and do not use it for additional purposes.

9.6. Data Protection Measures
To ensure the security and confidentiality of your Google user data, we implement the following measures:
  • Security Procedures: Strict security protocols to protect sensitive information, with access limited to authorized personnel only.
  • Encryption: Industry-standard encryption protocols for data in transit and at rest.
  • Access Controls: Restricted access to sensitive data to authorized employees only.
  • Data Minimization: Collection and processing of the minimum amount of data necessary.
  • Data Retention and Deletion: Retention of data only as long as necessary, with secure deletion protocols.
10. Data Protection for Sensitive Information
Slideator prioritizes the security and confidentiality of sensitive user data obtained through Google APIs. We implement several measures to protect this data, including:
  • Security Procedures: We have established strict security protocols to protect sensitive information, ensuring that access is limited to authorized personnel only. Regular security audits are conducted to maintain compliance and identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Encryption: We utilize encryption methods to safeguard your sensitive data both in transit and at rest. This means that any data exchanged between your device and our servers is securely encrypted using industry-standard encryption protocols.
  • Access Controls: Access to sensitive data is restricted and controlled. Only authorized employees who need to access this information to perform their job functions are permitted to do so, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Data Minimization: We only collect and process the minimum amount of sensitive data necessary for the intended functionality of our services, ensuring that we do not store excess information.
  • Data Retention and Deletion: Sensitive user data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. Once it is no longer needed, we securely delete it to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Incident Response Plan: In the event of a data breach involving sensitive information, we have a response plan in place to promptly mitigate risks and inform affected users, as required by applicable laws.
By using Slideator, you acknowledge our commitment to protecting your sensitive data in accordance with our privacy policy and the Google API Services User Data Policy.

11. Refreshing, Storing, and Displaying API Data
Slideator store authorization tokens for as long as is necessary provided that those tokens are used only for purpose if uploading, editing, and deleting videos in Slideator Channel. No other Authorized data or Non-Authorized data is stored by Slideator platform and recorders. You have the option, from Slideator Users Account page, to delete any video uploaded to Slideator Channel using YouTube data API, and any data stored and related to you will be deleted as soon as you delete your video.

12. Handling YouTube Data and Content
Slideator Platform and Recorders do not allow users in anyway to download, import, backup, cache, or store copies of the video content, or make content available for offline playback. Slideator does not allow users to use any aspect of the YouTube API Services to facilitate or promote copyright infringement or the exploitation of copyright-infringing materials. Slideator does not aggregate API Data or otherwise use API Data or YouTube API Services to gain insights into YouTube's usage, revenue, or any other aspects of YouTube's business.

13. Watching the Content of Your Video Presentations
It's easy to unwittingly share lots of personal details in a video - like where you live, what the inside of your house is like, and who your family is. Avoid this if you're concerned about your privacy on Slideator.

14. Edit Your Account Profile
Your Slideator account profile lets you share information about your name, your location, your lifestyle and your personal history. If your concerned about your Slideator privacy, don't share too much information. If you'd like to keep your Slideator activity private from strangers, you can do that with your Slideator account privacy settings. You can control who's allowed to send you messages and share videos, and what others can see and know about your videos.

15. Comments and Responses
Slideator uses Facebook Social Plug-in lets you share your videos with a wide audience, and sometimes that audience includes nasty people who spew insults on the web. Please use your Facebook account to manage these comments.

16. Activity Sharing
Your Slideator account gives you the option to make your activity on the site visible to others. If you're concerned about privacy, it's best not to let others know what you're doing on a constantly updated basis.

17. Prohibition on Sharing Personal Information
Slideator strictly prohibits the sharing, threatening to share, or encouraging others to share non-public personally identifiable information (PII). This includes, but is not limited to, the following types of information:
  • Home address
  • Email address
  • Sign-in credentials
  • Phone number
  • Passport number
  • Medical records
  • Bank account information
Any content that shares or threatens to share this type of information will be removed, and users responsible for such content may be subject to account suspension or termination. Slideator is committed to protecting the privacy and safety of all its users.

18. Check Your Account Status
It's a good idea to check your account status every once in a while. You can make sure that nothing unusual has happened that might indicate a stranger has accessed your account.

19. Our Policy Toward Children
Slideator is not directed to members under 18 and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years.

20. Report any Bad Behavior
Slideator is a community, and if someone is harassing you, violating your privacy or being inappropriate, it's best to report the behavior, please Contact Us.

Last update: July 21, 2024