Introduction to Pointers
P Poturaju

Introduction to pointers concepts

Pointers and Functions

pointer as argument , returning a pointer, function pointer

pointers - lecture-2

wild pointer, Null pointer , generic pointer, indirect pointer

Pointers in C lecture-1

pointer definition, memory representation, pointer initialization, pointer arithmetic

scope of variables in C

A variable should be declared before its usage. A variable can be declared in three places. 1.local variable 2. global variable 3.formal parameter. local variables are declared with in a function or block. Formal parameters are also local global variables are declared outside of all the functions in a program.

Functions in C - Lecture 2

Types of functions parameter passing mechanisms in functions

functions lecture-1

functions concept, function declaration ,function definition

String handling functions : part 4

1.string handling functions that are used to convert numerical strings to numbers 2.Implementation of string copying , finding the length of a string without using string handling functions

String Handling functions : part3

explanation about stricmp(),strcmpi(), strnicmp(),strchr(),strrchr(), strstr(),strtok()

String handling functions
string handling functions in C : part-2

strcat(),strncat(), strcmp(),strncmp() functions

Poturaju P

Fundamentals of CSS

Cascading style sheets
Mr P. Poturaju

Basics of Cascading Style Sheets